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Soc101 Gdb Solution 1 Fall 2021


Total Marks10
Starting DateWednesday, February 02, 2022
Closing DateFriday, February 04, 2022
Question TitleFunctions of Family
Question Description

Family is an important social institution that performs many crucial functions in society. During the wake of the pandemic where every institution of society changed its course due to social constraints imposed by lockdown and to adjust with the “New Normal” way of life, the family institution also underwent the changes. 

How functions of the family have changed due to Pandemic? Enlist any five points.

Important Instructions: 

  • Your discussion must be based on logical facts.
  • The GDB will open and close at the above-specified date and time. Please note that no grace day or extra time will be given for posting comments on GDB.
  • Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
  • Your answer should be relevant to the question i.e. clear and concise.
  • Word limit should not exceed from 300-350 words.
  • Do not copy or exchange your answer with other students. Two identical / copied comments will be marked Zero (0) and may damage your grade in the course.
  • Books, websites and other reading material may be consulted before posting your comments; but copying or reproducing the text from books, websites and other reading materials is strictly prohibited. Such comments will be marked as Zero (0).
  • You should post your answer on the Graded Discussion Board (GDB), not on the Moderated Discussion Board (MDB). Both will run parallel to each other during the time specified above. Therefore, due care will be needed.
  • Obnoxious or ignoble answer should be strictly avoided.
  • You cannot participate in the discussion after the due date via email in detail.

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